I feel like I'm floundering today. That word is one I've said a lot but rarely if ever written down. It looks funny. Anyway, I digress. Or perhaps I should say I flounder. Today I simply got stuck. Several times. I would be able to pick myself up and start something, but then find myself stuck again. It seems like as usual there is way too much going on in my mind. Too many ideas, and no motivation to get any of them done. I actually have some time to get a few things done, if I would just do it. Of course I'm looking at all the things I'm not doing through my perfectionist glasses. I do actually get some things done.
I want someone to talk to during the day. Maybe it's the extrovert in me. Maybe it's an excuse. I sit and visualize how much more fun it would be if I had someone with me while I do what I need to do. Even if they didn't lift a finger, and just kept me company while I worked. After I do that, I get stuck.
So if I set a new goal for myself, maybe that will help. How do pick what to focus on? A friend told me recently that I am really good at a lot of things naturally. That presents a problem in setting priorities for my time and money. There's too much to do so I don't do much of anything.
And then when I get around to blogging, it's negative again. Ugh. Blah.
I just don't feel satisfied. But what is missing? I don't know. What should be my goal?